Wednesday, 1 December 2010

Electricity and Circuits

Our new theme topic is electricity and circuits. We have learnt about electrical safety and will now begin to make our own circuits. Here is a brilliant interactive website that contains everything we will be learning in this topic. Be sure to visit and have a good look around.

To visit click here

Sunday, 7 November 2010

The Blitz

We wrote fictional accounts of what life might be like for children living in the Blitz. We had to use our imaginations and also use facts we had learnt about the Blitz. Teacher Paul said he was "very happy" with our writing. Here are some examples for you to read.

Dee's account

My name is Ben and I live in a little house with my Mum and Dad. One day I look in the sky and I see Nazi airplanes and bombers. I ran to tell the news to my Dad. Dad and me go to build an Anderson shelter. I dig the soil in the garden. At night Mum made a 'blackout' around the house.

One day I hear a siren sound and I carry my gas mask and I run to the shelter. I am feeling very frightened and I hear a bomb!

Pookhao's account

I live in a little house with my family. One day the plane comes with the bombs so I made an Anderson shelter in my back garden with my Dad. Everyday I see the Home Guard looking for the bombers. My family and I carry gas masks when we think the bombers will come. Every house puts the blackout on all the time so the people in the bombers cannot see where we live.
Suddenly, I hear the siren and I put on my gas mask and go into the shelter with my family. In the shelter it is very dark and I am very frightened. I hear a noise outside and I think the bomber has fallen down. It is nightime now and I am sleeping with my family.

Evacuee Postcards

We have been learning about evacuation in World War 2. In one of our theme lessons we had to imagine we were an evacuee who had been sent away from our home to live in the country.

Huey and Pure Pure wrote postcards that were very like the postcards sent by real evacuees in 1940. Well done Huey and Pure Pure!

Huey's postcard

Dear Mum and Dad,

I feel so sad to be here. In the train I was so upset. When I got there I smell a horrible smell from the pigs. The children that live on the farm take me to a little bedroom. In the night I hear the sound of a little mouse. I want to go home. Can you take me home please?

Miss you, Huey.

Pure Pure's Postcard

Dear Mum and Dad,

I feel sad and I want to go home. When will you come to get me? In the train I saw a lot of children playing but I'm a little bit scared because I don't know any of the children. My new family is good people. I live in a big house. I have a garden, pigs and a horse. My new family take me to a bedroom. It is good and I have a little bed, some toys and some books. They are kind with me. I am very sad being away from home and I very much want you to take me home.

Goodbye, from Pure Pure.

Analogue to Digital Time

We are learning to tell the time in class. We are converting between analogue and digital time. Here is a game which is a race against the clock. See what your personal best time is?

Monday, 1 November 2010

The Minotaur Movie

Here at last - The Minotaur Movie starring Class P3/2! It's a big file so it's best to press play and, as soon as the movie starts, press pause. Then leave it for a minute or two to load. Then you can enjoy uninterrupted viewing.

Watch to the very end for behind the scenes footage! We hope you like it and please feel free to leave a comment.

Saturday, 9 October 2010

World War 2

Our new theme topic at the start of the new term will be World War 2. We will cover how the war started, who was involved, the Blitz, evacuation and rationing, refugees and prisoners of war.

We will also look at the impact of the war in Asia. Included in the theme plan is a special World War 2 day and school trip to Kanchanaburi to see the bridge over the River Kwai.

Over the holidays why not look at this great website which will give you lots of facts and information.

Thursday, 16 September 2010

Wild Things!

We are learning about animals and habitats. Today we used a brilliant website to turn ourselves into strange creatures made up of different animal parts! We had lots of fun and now we can learn about how these creatures might live in different habitats and environments.

Click here to see all our pictures.

Can you spot your classmates as their wild selves? Have a go and see how many you get right!

Monday, 23 August 2010

Maths Olympics

We have started training for our Maths Olympics.

We raced against the clock to fill in a multiplication grid to find our own personal best time. The 8 and 9 times tables caused the most problems!

Here are some games to play which can help us learn our times tables.

Here is an aliens game.

And here is a selection of great games you can play against other children - just create a username.

Have fun and learn those times tables!

Tuesday, 17 August 2010

P3/2 Goes to Library

Every week we choose a new English reading book from the library. There's lots to choose from but popular books are Geronimo Stilton and The Secrets of Droon series.

When we've read our books we then write our own book reviews and give them a star rating.

Sunday, 4 July 2010

Using a compass to find our way!

As part of our theme subject - mapping - we learnt how to read a compass to find north, south, east and west. We then went out into the playgroud where there were five clues with questions to answer and directions to find the next clue.

We worked in different teams to find the clues, answer the questions and then find the next clues using the compass.

Here we can see group B looking at their compasses to find clue 1 which was in the west.

Making our own 3D shapes

We've been learning about 3D shapes and made some of our own using netts - flat outlines of shapes which can be cut out and glued to become 3D.

We made lots of different shapes and coloure din their faces. We then counted their edges and their verticies to find their properties.

Here we see Pang making a really good pyramid.

Mapping our own classroom

We've started a new theme subject - mapping and the local environment. For our first lesson we had to make a map of our classroom to show where everything was. We worked in groups and it was sometimes quite tricky to work out which way things should go. Teacher Paul (or as he's know in the UK, Mr Wilkinson) was delighted with the results and gave out lots of gems!

Here we see Firm, Prim, Ar-jiang and Pure Pure working out where where exactly to put one of the classroom tables.

Following instructions to make dinosaurs

We're been doing a lot of active learning in the last couple of weeks. In Language Arts we've been learning about instructions. First we had to make our own dinosaurs following a list of written instructions. Then we wrote our own instructions on how to get from the classroom to the library.

Here we see Saint and Pann following the dinosaur instructions.

3D Shapes

We're been learning about 3D shapes. There are lots of different 3D shapes such as cube, cuboid, prism, pyramid, cylinder and cone. You can recognise 3D shapes by looking at their properties such as the number of faces, edges and verticies.

Here is a good website where you can play around with 3D shapes.

Click here

Sunday, 6 June 2010

Myths and Legends

We are studying myths and legends in language arts. Myths are very old stories told many hundreds or thousands of years ago. They helped people to understand the world around them.

So far we have heard about Rainbow myths from different countries, a Native American myth 'How Coyote Stole Fire,' and two Greek myths, 'Perseus and Medusa,' and 'Theseus and the Minotaur.'

There is a brilliant website with animated versions of myths from all over the world. It even has a version of 'Theseus and the Minotaur.' Why not watch it and see if it is the same as the myth we read in class.

To visit the website click here.

Let me know which myth was your favourite!

Saturday, 5 June 2010

Our Roman Shields

Here is a video of our theme lessons on the Roman army. The Romans invaded other countries to create the Roman empire. They could do this because their army was well organised, well trained and had the best weapons. They won most of their battles. They invaded other countries to get land, slaves, treasure and metals.

In class we learnt that, when they came under attack, the Roman soldiers would make a 'turtle' formation to defend themselves.

Watch our video of Class P3/2 making Roman shields and practising being Romans on the playground. The video was taken by Sunny and Pann.

Thursday, 13 May 2010

Aliens kidnap dog!

Can you find clues and think logically? Can you help Sam on a quest to rescue his dog from the aliens? This is a brilliant, award-winning game with great animation. When your cursor turns to a hand you know there's a clue - click and see what happens? Maybe you need to do things in a certain order to get to the next level? Enjoy and good luck! Let me know how you get on.

Click here for the game

Watch out - it's the Romans!

We are learning about the Roman Empire for theme studies. This week we have learnt that the city of Rome (which is the capital city of Italy) grew bigger and more powerful and sent soldiers to invade lots of other countries. They invaded these countries to get slaves, extra land, gold, silver and different types of metal, which they used to arm their soldiers and build up their empire.

The Roman soldiers were the best fighting force of the ancient world. They had effective, well made weapons, wore good body armour and shoes to help them march long distances. They were also very well organised when in battle. The British Isles (now more commonly known as the UK) had lots of small tribes known as Celts who had brave warriors but they were defeated in 43 AD by the better equipped and well armed Roman soldiers.

We will be learning more about the Romans over the next four weeks.

Here are some great websites to find out more about the Romans.

The Romans in Britain

BBC Primary History: The Romans

Pleased to meet you!

Welcome back to school! This is the website of Teacher Paul and the class of P3/2. We have lots of great things on this website. We hope you like it.

Thursday, 25 February 2010

Presentation Song

We are learning a song from the famous musical Oliver for our presentation.

It is called "Consider Yourself"

Here is a link to the song! Enjoy and singalong!

Consider Yourself

Consider yourself - at home
Consider yourself - one of the family
We've taken to you - so strong
It's clear we're going to get along
Consider yourself - well in
Consider yourself - part of the furniture
There isn't a lot - to spare
Who cares? Whatever we got we share!

If it should chance to be, we should see, some harder days
Empty-larder days, why grouse?
Always a chance we'll meet, somebody to foot the bill
Then the drinks are on the house!

Consider yourself - our mate
We don't want to have - no fuss,
For after some consideration we can state
Consider yourself - one of us!

Thursday, 4 February 2010

More stories from Class 3/2

Here are some of our latest stories. We have been learning more about adjectives (describing words) and great ways to start sentences using words like suddenly, luckily and unfortunately. What are your favourite adjectives in these stories?

The Best Party

by Fahsai

Once upon a time there was a fabulous boy called Lee. He lived with his mother near a strong and mighty mountain with lots of snow all over it. One Monday morning his mother said: "Take this sandwich box to your friend's halloween party."

So he rode his bike on the snowy road to a big mountain. Suddenly, out of nowhere, a dragon appeared with breath like fire. He looked scary and said,"What have you got in that box?" "Just a sandwich for my friend's holloween party," said Lee. "Can I come with you," asked the dragon. "Yes, you can," said Lee, with a smile on his face.

So Lee rode on a bike and the dragon went with him. They stopped at a little cave and there were two, scary gorillas."What have you got in that box?" said a gorilla. "Just a sandwich for my friend's holloween party," said Lee."Can I come with you,"asked the gorilla. "Yes," said Lee.

So all of them walked because the bike was very bad to ride and everyone went to Lee's friend's house and they all had fun.

All Because of a Bag of Books

by Unna

Once upon a time there was a little girl called Daisy who lived in a big, brown, wooden
boat. One day her friend came to her house and said,"Tomorrow, bring the books to me at the
oak tree."

In the morning Daisy woke up and quickly got her books. Then daisy walked and walked until she came to a huge, dark cave. Suddenly, an owl appeared with wings as big as a
giant's finger. "What have you got in that bag?" asked the owl. "Just paper," said Daisy.

Daisy ran as fast as she could to a scary, black village. Suddenly, two scary old grandmother's appeared."What have you got in that bag?" asked the two grandmothers. "Just paper," said Daisy.

Daisy ran as fast as she could to a small, brown oak tree."What have you got in that bag?"
asked her friend. "Lots of very good books," said Daisy. "Great," said her friend,"Let's
make a fire and read the books together."

A Little Girl called Mind

by Pim

A long time ago there was a little girl called Mind. She was a brave little girl and one
morning Mind wanted to play a game with her grandfather. She put the game in her bag and
went to the home of grandfather.

Suddenly, she went to a big, green tree and she saw a little bear who was very cute in the
forest. The bear said "What is in your bag?" Mind said: "Oh, it's some books."

Then she went to a small pond and she saw a small house with a cute lion. She walked and
walked and in the forest she saw her grandfather. Grandfather asked "What is it in your bag
Mind?" Mind said,"It is a game." "Oh good," said Grandfather.

Luckily, Mind played the game with her grandfather. Unfortunately, mum said, "You are late
for school." Mind woke up and went to school.

The Little Girl

by Dada

Once upon a time there was a little girl called Gona. She lived in a tall, wide cave with
her sister. One day Gona wanted to take a game to play with her friend.

So she walked and walked until she came to the little house and she saw the brown lion with
teeth as sharp as a knife. Gona was very scared of the lion and she ran away as fast as she
could to a big, green tree. And she sleep under the big, green tree.

Then she woke up and she saw a scary tiger. It was very hungry and it wanted to eat Gona but
Gona didn't want to die because she loved her sister very much. She ran away as fast as she

Suddenly, the tiger followed Gona then the tiger saw her friend by the tree and it was very
scared and it ran away. Gona saw her friend and her friend asked, "What is that?" "It is a
game to play with you," said Gona. "Thank you," her friend said and they went to play the
game in her friend's house.

The Smelly Skunk

by Jet

Once upon a time there was a smelly skunk called Bobby who lived in a large, green
forest. One day he wanted to play with his friend, the white Pegasus.

He walked and he walked until he saw a huge, powerful river. Suddenly, the scary shark
appeared and said,"Where are you going?" "I go swimming," said the smelly skunk and he ran
as fast as he could into the green forest.

The smelly skunk walked and walked until he found a cave. Suddenly, not one, not two but
three blue dragons appeared and said, "Where are you going?" "I go swimming," said the smelly
skunk and he ran as fast as he could into the green forest.

Unfortunately, the dragons followed the smelly skunk. Luckily, the dragons disappeared and the smelly skunk went to play with white Pegasus.

Thursday, 21 January 2010

Mental Maths Machine


Sunday, 17 January 2010

Improving our Environment - Traffic Survey

We recently did a traffic survey as part of our 'Improving the Environment' theme module.

We have been learning about air pollution and did the survey to find out about the different types of vehicles on Bangkok's main roads. Private cars and vans were the most common, buses were the least common.

This week we will be analysing our results and thinking of ways we could reduce air pollution and improve the environment.

ICT Module - Animation

This week we will start a new ICT module - animation. We will start by looking at basic animations, such as flip books.

Here is a great way to make your own online flipbook. Check it out it's great fun!

Visit the website here.

Wednesday, 6 January 2010

Our drama lessons

Here is a video of us in the drama studio learning a story. The lesson was linked to our language arts class which was about writing our own adventure stories. We learnt this story off by heart and then changed the characters and settings to make our own unique story.

This term we are going to write a story with a familiar setting and will be using drama again to help us make it even better!