Sunday, 7 November 2010

The Blitz

We wrote fictional accounts of what life might be like for children living in the Blitz. We had to use our imaginations and also use facts we had learnt about the Blitz. Teacher Paul said he was "very happy" with our writing. Here are some examples for you to read.

Dee's account

My name is Ben and I live in a little house with my Mum and Dad. One day I look in the sky and I see Nazi airplanes and bombers. I ran to tell the news to my Dad. Dad and me go to build an Anderson shelter. I dig the soil in the garden. At night Mum made a 'blackout' around the house.

One day I hear a siren sound and I carry my gas mask and I run to the shelter. I am feeling very frightened and I hear a bomb!

Pookhao's account

I live in a little house with my family. One day the plane comes with the bombs so I made an Anderson shelter in my back garden with my Dad. Everyday I see the Home Guard looking for the bombers. My family and I carry gas masks when we think the bombers will come. Every house puts the blackout on all the time so the people in the bombers cannot see where we live.
Suddenly, I hear the siren and I put on my gas mask and go into the shelter with my family. In the shelter it is very dark and I am very frightened. I hear a noise outside and I think the bomber has fallen down. It is nightime now and I am sleeping with my family.

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