Sunday, 4 July 2010

Using a compass to find our way!

As part of our theme subject - mapping - we learnt how to read a compass to find north, south, east and west. We then went out into the playgroud where there were five clues with questions to answer and directions to find the next clue.

We worked in different teams to find the clues, answer the questions and then find the next clues using the compass.

Here we can see group B looking at their compasses to find clue 1 which was in the west.

Making our own 3D shapes

We've been learning about 3D shapes and made some of our own using netts - flat outlines of shapes which can be cut out and glued to become 3D.

We made lots of different shapes and coloure din their faces. We then counted their edges and their verticies to find their properties.

Here we see Pang making a really good pyramid.

Mapping our own classroom

We've started a new theme subject - mapping and the local environment. For our first lesson we had to make a map of our classroom to show where everything was. We worked in groups and it was sometimes quite tricky to work out which way things should go. Teacher Paul (or as he's know in the UK, Mr Wilkinson) was delighted with the results and gave out lots of gems!

Here we see Firm, Prim, Ar-jiang and Pure Pure working out where where exactly to put one of the classroom tables.

Following instructions to make dinosaurs

We're been doing a lot of active learning in the last couple of weeks. In Language Arts we've been learning about instructions. First we had to make our own dinosaurs following a list of written instructions. Then we wrote our own instructions on how to get from the classroom to the library.

Here we see Saint and Pann following the dinosaur instructions.

3D Shapes

We're been learning about 3D shapes. There are lots of different 3D shapes such as cube, cuboid, prism, pyramid, cylinder and cone. You can recognise 3D shapes by looking at their properties such as the number of faces, edges and verticies.

Here is a good website where you can play around with 3D shapes.

Click here