Sunday, 6 June 2010

Myths and Legends

We are studying myths and legends in language arts. Myths are very old stories told many hundreds or thousands of years ago. They helped people to understand the world around them.

So far we have heard about Rainbow myths from different countries, a Native American myth 'How Coyote Stole Fire,' and two Greek myths, 'Perseus and Medusa,' and 'Theseus and the Minotaur.'

There is a brilliant website with animated versions of myths from all over the world. It even has a version of 'Theseus and the Minotaur.' Why not watch it and see if it is the same as the myth we read in class.

To visit the website click here.

Let me know which myth was your favourite!

Saturday, 5 June 2010

Our Roman Shields

Here is a video of our theme lessons on the Roman army. The Romans invaded other countries to create the Roman empire. They could do this because their army was well organised, well trained and had the best weapons. They won most of their battles. They invaded other countries to get land, slaves, treasure and metals.

In class we learnt that, when they came under attack, the Roman soldiers would make a 'turtle' formation to defend themselves.

Watch our video of Class P3/2 making Roman shields and practising being Romans on the playground. The video was taken by Sunny and Pann.